Ruminating – What does it mean and why do we do it?
What is Ruminating and How to Stop the Negative Thoughts
We’ve all done it. We’ve had that negative thought in our head that we can’t get rid of. Many know it as ‘dwelling’, ‘brooding’, or ‘stewing’, but the clinical term is “ruminating”.
Most of the time, for most people, it’s a temporary thing that pops into our head but eventually goes away.
But for some of us, it is a haunting, all-consuming thing that invades our minds, takes ahold of our brain and won’t let go. Modern medicine and science doesn’t know for sure why people ruminate, let alone why they do so to extremes where they render themselves paralyzed. And although there is no cure for it, there are ways to deal with it and take back control of your thoughts, and your life.
Understand What Ruminating Is and Why It's Harmful.
Ruminating is a mental health term used to describe repetitive and intrusive thoughts that focus on negative emotions or past events. When someone is ruminating, they get stuck in circles of thoughts that lead to nothing but further distress. Additionally, research suggests that rumination can have a negative impact on mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Acknowledge and React to Your Thoughts in a Healthy Way.
Taking the time to reframe your thoughts and practice healthy coping skills can help break the cycle of rumination. It’s important to remember that while it may be difficult, you can always challenge your thoughts and look for more positive explanations. When you notice yourself getting stuck in your own head, take a moment to acknowledge what you are feeling and then make an effort to do something productive or rewarding. This could include going for a walk, meditating, calling a friend, or even doing something fun like playing guitar or drawing.
Create a Response Plan for the Negative Thoughts You Have.
When you find yourself stuck in rumination, it’s helpful to have a response plan in place to help you break the cycle of negative thoughts. Make sure that your plan is realistic and doable. Start by identifying your triggers – such as why the negative thought came up or what event might have led to it. Then, create a strategy for challenging those thoughts and stepping away from them. For example, you could use your own insight, perspective or humor to reframe the situation in a different light. Additionally, there are many online resources offering coping strategies and tools to help manage negative thoughts.
Challenge Your Negative Thinking, Ruminating and Brooding with Positive Habits.
To combat negative thoughts, it’s important to build and practice positive habits. Take care of yourself by eating nutritious meals and drinks, engage in physical activity and exercise, meditate or yoga, get plenty of restful sleep and stay hydrated. Additionally, use creative outlets like photography or art to take a break from rumination. Writing things down can also be helpful; try carrying a journal to jot down your thoughts – this will help bring clarity to what’s really happening in your mind when confronted with rumination.
Remind Yourself of Your Past Successes and Strengths.
When ruminating, it is easy to forget about the successes and positive qualities we have achieved in life. Remind yourself that although you are having difficulty dealing with current situations, you have overcome challenges in the past. Focus on what you can do to manage the situation and develop plans for possible solutions. Building up your self-confidence will provide you with a better outlook on your future endeavors.

The Surprising Ability of Lion's Mane mushroom to Stop Ruminating Thoughts
Lion’s Mane mushroom extract supplementation has numerous health benefits, including improved cognition and memory enhancement, immune system support, nerve regeneration and more. Additionally, the hot-water extract of this incredible mushroom contains neurotrophic components that help protect nerve cells from damage while simultaneously stimulating the growth of healthy new neurons with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. This makes it especially beneficial for countering the effects of rumination on mental health.
How Lion's Mane Mushroom Improves Cognitive Function and Reduces Stress, Stewing and Dwelling.
The health benefits of Lion’s Mane mushroom range from reducing stress and anxiety to improving your cognitive function. It also helps with increasing mood and concentration as well as boosting overall mental performance. As it is a powerful anti-oxidant, it can also help reduce inflammation in the body, which further aids in reducing physical symptoms associated with anxiety and ruminating thoughts.
Best Practices for Safely Taking Lion’s Mane Mushroom Supplementation.
Prior to taking Lion’s Mane mushroom supplementation, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use. Be sure to read the labels of any supplement you purchase very carefully in order to avoid any potential side effects. When supplementing with Lion’s Mane mushroom, it is best to start at a low dose and slowly increase over time, and although it has no known side-effects, it should always be taken with caution. Additionally, be sure that your supplement is from a trustworthy source and of high quality for the optimal benefits.